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Triumph-Lipstick USB Flash Memory Gift

Triumph is a lingerie and swimwear brand, founded in Germany in 1886 and registered trademark in 1902. Triumph entered the Chinese market in 1960 and its international office is located in Hong Kong, Kowloon. In 1979, Triumph began processing products in China and acquired French lingerie maker HOM in 1986. In recent years, Triumph attempts diversification route, has launched male underwear, products are also extended to the professional line of cosmetics. In 2005, Triumph launched green juice skincare series for the Japanese market. In Europe, Triumph's essential oils are also very popular. Triumph use  multi-brand strategy, just like the P&G. Triumph's professional line of cosmetics brand is DAF.
For promotion needs, Triumph chose a pink USB flash memory gifts to VIP customers in 禮品紅. Lipstick shape is very suitable for female users, attached with a heart-shaped sign and printed on brand identity, meaning that service customer wholeheartedly. It is a very thoughtful gift, help Triumph won many positive responses in the promotion.

電話: +852 3111 6427

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